

Navajo Nation

Veteran Administration


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Essential Definitions for Veterans and Families

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    Business Days - Working days from Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

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    Calendar Days - Calendar days are any day of the week including weekends. Monday through Sunday.

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    Critical Housing Needs - As determined based on results of the Eligibility Criteria & Preference rating sheet.

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    Dependant - A member of the household (excluding foster children), other than the Family Head or Spouse, who is under twenty-five (25) years of age, a person with disabilities or handicapped person, or is a full-time student. Certification by qualified or certified governmental or educational institution is required for disabilities and student status.

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    Disabled Veteran - An individual who has served on active duty in the Armed Forces, was honorably discharged, and has a service-connected disability or a disability that was aggravated during active duty, or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension because of service-connected disability.

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    Displaced Veteran - A Veteran that is relocated on a permanent basis due to unforeseen events, cultural displacement, or natural disasters.

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    Eligibility Criteria - Navajo Veterans who have been deemed by the Program to meet the definition of “Homeless Veteran,” and who possess an honorable discharge, and a valid homesite lease or equivalent, shall be equivalent, shall be considered eligible to apply for a home under this program. Veterans who already own a home, unless it meets the definition of Substandard Housing, and Veterans who have obtained prior housing assistance from the Veterans Housing Program or any other governmental housing agency for a new home shall not be eligible to apply.

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    Elderly Person - A person who is sixty-two (62) years of age or older.

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    Family - Shall mean: 1) Legally married couple with or without children; 2) Single or widowed parent with children; 3) Single person with guardianship or custody of children or is in the process of securing legal custody of children under the age of 18 years verified by supporting documents.

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    Grantee - A Veteran who is selected to be a recipient for housing assistance from the Navajo Nation Veterans Housing Program.

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    Gold Star Parent - A biological or adoptive parent of a United States Armed Forces member that died while engaged in action against an enemy recognized by the Secretary of Defense. The son or daughter was never married.

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    Head of Household - The Veteran is the main adult family member who is held responsible and accountable for the family.

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    Home or Home Construction - A residential dwelling, permanently located due to custom on-site construction, modular, or mobile with access to power, water, and sewer.

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    Homeless Veteran - A Veteran who lives in substandard housing or a Veteran who is unable to maintain a steady residence due to an inability to obtain and maintain steady employment and have limited income.

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    Housing Selection Committee - The Housing Selection Committee will consist of the Program Manager and Housing Specialist.

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    Housing Specialist - As defined by Navajo Nation Department of Personnel Management.

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    Miliary Service of the United States - The armed of the U.S. Government consisting of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, and Coast Guard, active duty or reserve/guard components. Such service does not include the Merchant Marines, Red Cross, Indian Health Service (IHS) or any other organization not part of the United States Department of Defense.

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    Mobile Home - A residential unit able to be moved from one location to another, either by towing or self-propulsion.

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    Modular Home - A residential unit consisting of parts of a completed home constructed in a location other than the permanent residential location.

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    Navajo Nation Veterans Admministration Local Offices - The five (5) Agency offices of the NNVA are: Chinle, Crownpoint, Ft. Defiance, Shiprock and Tuba City.

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    NNVHP - Navajo Nation Veterans Housing Program.

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    Navajo - A person who is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation and whose name appears on the Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or Navajo Nation ID card issued by the Navajo Nation.

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    Preference Rating - Rating given to an application based on points awarded for various criteria as verified through supporting documentation provided by the applicant to ensure that the Veterans most in need of housing have an equal opportunity to be placed near the front of the waiting list.

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    Spouse - The legal domestic partner of the Navajo Veteran (marriage license, common law, etc)

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    Stick-Build Home - A residential structure built on location, un-moveable.

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    Substandard Housing - Housing which meets any of the following criteria: 1) the home lacks essential utilities, including but not limited to water, sewer or electricity; 2) the home fails to meet generally applicable building code standards for similar housing stock constructed in the region: 3) the home fails to meet the recommended federal size standards for the number of individuals residing in the home; or 4) the home requires significant repairs that are in excess of fifty percent (50%) of the value of the home.

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    Veteran - A person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and whose character of discharge is Honorable, General Under Honorable Conditions, General Under Other than Honorable, or Bad Conduct as documented by an unaltered, valid copy of a DD-214 (form 4) or Discharge Certificate/letter. This definition explains that any individual that completed a term of service not less than 180 days for any branch of the armed forces classifies as a Veteran as long as they were not dishonorably discharge.

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    Veteran Service Officer - Veteran Services Officer as defined by Navajo Nation Department of Personnel Management.

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    Widow or Widower - A surviving spouse who was legally and validly married to and lived with a Veteran continuously from the date of marriage to the date of the Veteran’s death and is not remarried.

Navajo Nation Veterans Memorial