
housing - new construction



The NNVA shall accept applications for all eligible Navajo Veterans provide that:

Previous Housing Assistance

Applicants must not have obtained prior housing assistance from the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration Housing Program (NNVA-NNVHP) or any other governmental housing agency (including the Navajo Housing Authority) for the procurement or construction of a new house. Applicants must disclose any applications pending or resolved with other governmental housing agencies within the past 15 years.

Primary Resident

Applicants shall certify that they do not own another home, or that their existing home meets the definition of Substandard Housing, and that they meet the definition of a Homeless Veteran. IF the Veterans owns another home that meets the definition of Substandard Housing, the Veteran shall be required to sell or transfer the existing home prior to receiving the new home from the Program. Applicants shall agree to reside at the newly procured or constructed home as their primary residence, and shall not use the home as rental or investment property or a seasonal or secondary home.

Sweat Equity

The applicant shall participate in the construction of their new home to gain a sense of pride in homeownership. Participation may vary based on the applicant’s ability to perform various tasks. Hours must be logged by either the applicant, a family members(s), or the local Chapter Veterans Organization. The number of hours shall be determined by the NNVA Executive Director. Failure to log the appropriate hours prior to the completion of the Veteran’s home may result in denial of future home improvement assistance or self-help assistance.

Homesite / Residental Site Lease Requirements

Veteran applicants who desire to have a home built or procured under the NNVHP shall be required to obtain a Valid Homesite Lease or Residential site lease. The NNVA provides no oversight on this process. A valid and completed copy of a lease will be required from the applicant as part of the process


Applicant choosing to obtain a homesite lease will be required to select a location within 1,500 feet of existing infrastructure (i.e. Electric, water). If the applicant chooses a site beyond 1,500 feet from existing infrastructure the program will require cost matching by the applicant for connections to existing utilities, or else solar and cistern options will be available. Locations must be able to support septic systems, or have access public sewer systems.


application procedure


NNVA NNVHP applications will be received and maintained by each local NNVA office through the Agency Housing Specialist.


The Housing Specialists will interview the individual Veterans to discuss the family’s housing situation and housing assistance request.

Required Procedure

Housing assistance will be explained to the Veteran and the required procedures for acquiring assistance.

Other Housing Programs

Other available housing assistance programs will also be explained to each applicant and appropriate referrals will be made.


NNVHP eligibility determinations shall be made using the Eligibility Criteria and Preference Rating sheet by the Housing Specialist. The eligibility criteria and preference rating sheet will be included as part of the applicants’ application and supporting documents package.


The selection Criteria are structured to assist the neediest veteran first.


NNVA require successful submission of all required documentation prior to placing a Veteran on the waiting list.


An on-site visit will be made by the Program Manager, Senior Housing Specialist or Housing Specialist. During the on-site visit, documentation supporting family structure and composition will be verified in person.


Completed applications shall be certified by the Housing Program Manager. A letter will be mailed to the applicant notifying them if they have met the official requirements for completion of the application. THIS IS NOT AN APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION, simply an acknowledgement that the Veteran has submitted all required documentation and the application is being processed.


selection for housing assistance

The Housing Selection Committee shall select potential grantees for the NNVHP projects, to be added to the waiting list, according to the Eligibility Criteria and Preference rating sheet. The list shall be updated by the NNVA Monthly.


Once an applicant has been interviewed and has completed and submitted ALL fo the necessary documents, their application packet will be evaluated. Those applicants who are found to be eligible will be notified in writing within fifteen (15) days of the determination. The eligible applicant will then be placed on the waiting list.


The applicant will be permitted to state, in writing, their housing preference of either 1) Modular home, or 2) Stick-build home.

Homesite / Residential Lease

A valid and complete homesite lease must be provided. If the applicant has failed to obtain a valid lease, or chooses not to obtain a lease, they will not be placed on the waiting list.


A determination about the reasonable and appropriate size of the home to be provided based upon the family size will be made.




Applicants ineligible will be promptly notified in writing. A notice will state the reason(s) for ineligibility. Applicant can request for an appeal meeting within thirty (3) days from the date of receipt of the notice.

Appeals Meeting

Upon review, NNVA shall make a determination on whether or not the applicant is now eligible.

Appeals Determination

NNVA shall inform the applicant of the determination within five (5) days of the meeting. The decision shall be final. Applicant’s declared ineligible will have their application kept in the inactive files for one (1) year from the date of initial application.


After the ineligible determination, the applicant may reapply after one (1) year.


waiting list

NNVA shall maintain a waiting list of applicants that have been determined to be eligible for assistance from the NNVHP. The list shall be separated by those applicants who wish to:

  1. Have a modular home provided OR
  2. Have a stick-build home.

Eligible applicants will be placed on the respective waiting list according to:

  1. Listing and Ranking score; and
  2. Time and Date of the Initial application, so long as such application is updated annually by the applicant based on the date of the initial application.

Annual Update of Application


Each applicant on file will be notified in writing to update their application annually. NNVA will reaffirm the applicant's eligibility and need for housing. The Veteran will sign an affirmation acknowledging that the home being awarded will remain with the Navajo Veteran in the event of divorce/dissolution of the family unit.

Failure to update annually

Applicants who fail to update their application annually either by mail or in person will lose their place on the waiting list and their file will automatically become inactive after six (6) months. Upon re-application, they shall be considered new applicants.

Remove from list

Any applicant on the waiting list who wishes to be removed from the Veterans waiting list shall submit a Notice in writing to the NNVA.

Housing - Home Improvement


The purpose of the Navajo Nation Veterans Home Improvement Program (NNVHIP) is to identify, assess and prioritize the home improvement needs of Navajo Veterans, Gold Star Parent, or Surviving Spouses. The NNVA shall monitor, advocate, promote, and administer NNVA efforts towards home improvement needs of qualified applicants. The NNVHIP is to provide and assist with the maintenance and repair of homes, consistent with applicable industry standards, for qualified applicants.

Previous Housing Assistance

Applicants must not have obtained prior housing assistance from the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration Housing Program (NNVA-NNVHP) or any other governmental housing agency (including the Navajo Housing Authority) for the procurement or construction of anew house. Applicants must disclose any applications pending or resolved with other governmental housing agencies within the past 5 years.

Primary Residence

Applicants shall affirm that work to be performed is their primary residence, AND shall not use the home as a rental or investment property or a seasonal or secondary home.

Sweat Equity

The applicant shall participate in the improvement or renovation of their home to gain a sense of pride in homeownership. Participation may vary based on the applicant’s ability to perform various tasks. Hours must be logged by either the applicant, a family members(s), or the local Chapter Veterans Organization. The number of hours shall be determined by the NNVA Executive Director. Failure to log the appropriate hours prior to the completion of the Veteran’s home may result in denial of future home improvement assistance or self-help assistance.

Normal Wear and Tear

Norman wear and tear is covered under this program as needed and in accordance with these guidelines. Items identified under “failure to maintain” will only be replaced once, and the occupant will sign acknowledgement that they have received training/education on how to perform user-level maintenance.

Burn Out

Homes falling under the category of burn-out will be covered under this program. It will be at the discretion of the NNVA if the home will be repaired or replaced, and will be subject to the availability of funds within the program. If the home is replaced, it will also be at the discretion of the NNVA if the burn-out will be removed.

Application of Procedures:

*Procedures will follow the same guidelines as for the Housing New Construction.